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Veterinary Diagnostics & Lab

At Grande Prairie Animal Hospital, our vets use diagnostic tests and tools in our in-house lab to provide accurate diagnoses and custom treatment plans for your pet's medical conditions. 

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Diagnostic Imaging

In diagnostic imaging, electromagnetic radiation and other technologies are used to produce highly detailed images of your pet's internal structures. 

At Grande Prairie Animal Hospital, we leverage advanced tools to help accurately diagnose your pet's medical issues. We offer a selection of services, from digital radiology to ultrasound. 

Our diagnostic imaging capabilities allow us to provide more immediate treatment options and share information efficiently with your primary care veterinarian.  

Diagnostic & Lab Technology, Grande Prairie Vet

In-House Lab & Pharmacy

In our in-house laboratory, we can perform tests and receive results quickly so your pet's symptoms can be diagnosed as soon as possible. This allow us to begin treatment earlier than if we had to await test results from an outside lab.

Our pharmacy is stocked with a selection of prescription diets and medications, providing us quick access to any medications your pet may require while in our care.

Diagnostic & Lab Technology, Grande Prairie Vet

Our Diagnostic Services 

At our in-house laboratory, we perform advanced diagnostic tests to allow our veterinarians to accurately diagnose your pet's medical issues. 

  • Radiography (Digital X-Rays)

    We can use a radiograph (digital x-ray) to examine your pet's internal systems and see conditions that may be invisible from the outside. 

    Radiography is a non-invasive, safe and painless procedure that uses only very low doses of radiation. Because there only a low level of radiation exposure is required to perform radiography, even very young pets and pregnant females can have x-rays. 

    Radiographs can be used to evaluate organs and bones, and diagnose conditions that include spinal cord diseases, bladder stones, chronic arthritis, broken bones and some tumours. 

  • Ultrasound

    During ultrasound imaging, part of the body is exposed to high-frequency sound waves to produce images of your pet's internal structures. 

    Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, we're able to see the structure and movement of your pet's internal organs, in addition to blood flowing through the blood vessels.

  • In House Bloodwork

    We can run a complete blood count (CBC) to check the levels of white blood cells and red bloods cells. A comprehensive chemistry profile will check electrolytes, liver and kidney enzymes.

  • Urinalysis

    We can run an analysis on your pet's urine to determine if an infection or any other issue may be present.

Caring for Pets in Grande Prairie

Grande Prairie Animal Hospital welcomes new and existing clients to our veterinary clinic.

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